Whistleblowing Policy

Ensure your whistleblowing policy reinforces a company culture where employees feel safe and secure enough to report suspected wrongdoing.

Why is a well-defined whistleblowing policy important?

A whistleblower policy that is easy to understand helps create a safe and secure company culture. This encourages employees and other people who have dealings with the company to dare to provide information about suspected irregularities, without the fear of reprisals.

What is the purpose of a whistleblowing policy?

A whistleblower policy should promote openness and trust within the organization. The policy should be available to everyone and describe what they can report, how to proceed and that a report can be made completely anonymously. It is also necessary to have a whistleblower policy in place to comply with regulations and, most importantly, to be able to identify irregularities at an early stage.

What should the policy contain?

In order for employees and other people in the organization to feel safe and thus dare to report any irregularities, the policy needs to be clear and contain the following information:

  • Definition of a whistleblower
  • What can be reported
  • Who can report and be protected
  • What the protection means
  • Who manages the system
  • How to report
  • The whistleblower’s right to confirmation and feedback
  • Internal and external channels for reporting misconduct